The Maradona or Roulette Turn in Soccer Guide

The Maradona or Roulette Turn in Soccer Guide 

The Maradona or Roulette Turn in Soccer Guide 

The Roulette Turn, (also called the “Maradona Turn”) is a famous and flashy soccer move. It was made popular by Diego Maradona and Zinedine Zidane.

The Maradona or Roulette Turn in Soccer Guide 
The Maradona or Roulette Turn in Soccer Guide

This skill lets you spin past defenders smoothly while keeping control of the ball. It’s a great trick to have in your bag for beating opponents, and it’s surprisingly easy to learn once you know the steps.

What You’ll Learn

By the end of this tutorial, you will:

  • Know what the RouletteTurn is.
  • Understand when to use it during a game.
  • Be able to perform the move step-by-step.
  • Learn tips to practice and improve your Roulette.

1. What is the Roulette Turn in Soccer?

The Roulette is a clever way to spin past a defender while dribbling.

You roll the ball with one foot, spin around, and use your other foot to keep the ball moving forward.

It’s all about smooth movement and tricking your opponent by turning quickly.

When to Use the RouletteTurn:

  • When a defender is close and you need to spin out of trouble.
  • In tight spaces where you can’t dribble or pass easily.
  • To keep possession of the ball while moving past a defender.

2. Preparing for the Roulette Turn

Before learning the Roulette, it’s important to be comfortable with controlling the ball. You should also be familiar with keeping your body balanced during a turn.

  • Ball Control: Practice rolling the ball with the sole (bottom) of both feet.
  • Body Movement: Work on turning quickly with balance, so you don’t lose control of the ball while spinning.
  • Awareness: Keep your head up to know when a defender is near and when to use the move.

3. How to Do the Roulette Turn – Step by Step

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to mastering the Roulette:

Step 1: Approach the Defender

Dribble toward the defender at a steady pace. Keep the ball close to your feet. The goal is to get the defender close enough for you to spin away.

Key Tip: Don’t rush! Move at a comfortable speed so you can make a smooth spin.

Step 2: Roll the Ball with One Foot

As you reach the defender, use the sole of your dominant foot to roll the ball slightly forward. Imagine you’re pushing the ball with the bottom of your shoe.

Key Pointer: Make sure the roll is soft but quick enough to keep the ball moving.

Step 3: Spin and Switch Feet

While rolling the ball, start spinning your body. As you turn, use your other foot to pull the ball along.

The idea is to use one foot to push the ball and the other to keep it moving as you spin.

Key Tip: Keep your body low and balanced so the spin feels smooth and fast.

Step 4: Complete the Spin

Finish the spin by facing away from the defender and continuing your dribble.

You should now be on the other side of the defender with the ball still under control.

Key Hint: Stay low and use your arms to help balance during the spin.

Step 5: Accelerate Away

Once you’ve spun past the defender, push the ball forward and accelerate.

This quick burst of speed will leave the defender behind, giving you a chance to continue your attack or make a pass.

Key Tip: Be ready to sprint after the turn for a clean breakaway.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some mistakes to watch out for when practicing the Roulette Turn:

  • Rolling the ball too far: If the ball rolls too far, the defender will easily take it.
  • Slow spins: The Roulette Turn needs to be quick. A slow turn gives the defender time to react.
  • Losing balance: If you’re not balanced, you might trip or lose control of the ball during the spin.

5. How to Master the Roulette

To master the Roulette, you’ll need to practice regularly. Here are a few tips to help you improve:

  • Practice with both feet: Learn to roll the ball with both your right and left foot. This makes you unpredictable on the field.
  • Start slow: Begin practicing the Roulette at a slow pace. Focus on getting the movement right, then speed up once you’re confident.
  • Use cones or a defender: Set up cones or ask a friend to defend so you can practice the move in a real-game situation.

6. When to Use the Roulette Turn in Real Games

The Roulette works best in these situations:

  • One-on-One: Use it to beat a defender when they are coming at you.
  • Tight Spaces: It’s perfect for tight areas where you can’t dribble or pass easily.
  • Midfield Play: Use it when you need to spin out of pressure and keep the ball moving.

Conclusion: Master the Roulette in Soccer

The Roulette Turn is a great move that can help you get out of tricky situations and fool defenders. With enough practice, you’ll be able to use it confidently during matches.


  • Follow the steps carefully.
  • Practice regularly to improve your speed and technique.
  • Use the move wisely during games.

Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be doing the RouletteTurn  like a pro!

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